
A Websin Project
Our idea of sustainability translates into a project that contains all the values we believe in: environmental protection, social development and training for young people.
The Open-Mind school project stems from the conviction that the productive universe (companies) must support the universe training (school), and is based on 3 key concepts: the recycling of obsolete electronic material thus avoiding the difficult disposal of this waste; an offer of educational tools to free and free schools; therefore to stimulate the free circulation of ideas with collective contribution.
Thus was born the project of donation to schools of personal computers recycled by companies and prepared with open source programs totally free and free, whose features are now fully able to compete with those of the most famous proprietary software. This project promotes the idea of energy saving in compliance with essential values of environmental protection and encourages young people to approach the concept of “open source” and sharing.
The innovativeness of the project Open-Mind school is realized in the fact that computers will be equipped with a Linux distribution optimized for the PC on which it will be installed and expressly created for educational purposes. Among the free educational programs installed (depending on the grade of the school to which they are intended):
- iTalc to allow teachers to control students’ desktops
- The KDE education suite with educational software for children 3 /18 years
- Dynamic mathematical geogebra
- Computer aided drawing booklet (CAD) in two dimensions
- Calibre, an electronic library for cataloguing books in digital format.
As a last guarantee, the delivery of computers to schools will be complemented by practical training to the teaching staff, conducted by our employees within their working hours.

30 /31 May 2012
Bocconi University

Proposing intelligent IT solutions also means encouraging the optimization of costs, procedures
and activity, increasing quality, productivity
and the working environment.

- Recycling of obsolete electronic equipment.
- Offer of educational tools to schools.
- Stimulating the free movement of ideas